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Projekto.Biz | Recent Trends in Project Delivery

The information shown below comes from a "survey" made by the Project Management Institute in early 2021.

Following an analysis of the survey results, we’ll offer overarching recommendations for organizations. Those recommendations fall into four broad courses of action:·

# Leverage collaboration tools to drive success, regardless of how much or little employees are dispersed.·

# Embrace AI today because by tomorrow it may be too late.·

# Recognize hybrid as the future dominant project delivery method.·

# Consider what digital transformation really means to your organization and then commit to it.

In those recommendations you’ll find ways to improve your organization and aid in decision making.

When projects in your organization are delayed, what are the reasons for those delays?

Which of the following approaches to project delivery are used in your organization?

Approximately what percentage of your employee base works wholly or partially remote today?

Which of the following are concerns about collaborative working across dispersed teams

How much autonomy do project managers in your organization have to adjust standard approaches to meet the needs of their projects?

How much investment is your organization putting into digital transformation tools and initiatives?

What collaborative work management/project management software functionality would be beneficial to project delivery?

Some Conclusions

97.1% of respondents said project managers were expected to display at least some autonomy in how their projects are delivered, and that means embracing the flexibility that a hybrid project delivery model provides. In this case, hybrid is a combination of traditional or waterfall project management with elements of one or more Agile approaches.

Hybrid project delivery is the most commonly cited approach by respondents with more than three out of five o represented organizations using it. Teams today want the flexibility to work their own way. Many companies utilize highly configurable collaborative work management platforms while still tying all work in the organization together in one place.

Hybrid project management delivery methods are becoming increasingly common. High performers were more than twice as likely to use hybrid approaches versus low performers. And 99.3% of high performers allowed their project managers to have at least some autonomy. Successful organizations need to embrace this level of autonomy.

The environment projects are delivered in needs to be supportive of hybrid. Modern collaboration and AI solutions support multiple workflows, easily adapt to changes and exceptions, and help with predictive analytics, decision support, and other aspects of successful and flexible project delivery. But those solutions can only work when the people involved allow them to work. Hybrid and autonomous project management require engaged stakeholders who recognize the importance of adaptive approaches.


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